Christopher Joel Ewing

"A man with no hand is not a man" - George Costanza

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

U2 in Jersey

A dream will come true on May 18th 2005 when i see U2 in New Jersey. i would talk more, but i am still speechless that i actually got the tickets.

Also, I am changing the address of my personal blog to:

So for further updates please go there because i will no longer being using this blog.


Thursday, January 20, 2005

Picking Up The Check?

For awhile now I've been struggling with, who picks up the check? Is it the guy or the girl? Over the summer I invited a girl to lunch and she insisted on paying and I respected her wishes. After telling my friends about this they denounced me and threaten to disown me. What is so wrong with letting the girl pick up the check? Are we not in a time of demanding gender equality in the home and in the workplace? Why not the restaurant? Please some one tell me the rules. I know that the guy should always pay, but what if the girl is bent on changing the rules? Does a reach for the check imply a desire to pay or is it just a courtesy to the guy who is paying? Should I not let her continue the reach for the check? I will say that once she touches the check, she is obligated to pay it. If she's not paying, she has no need to look at it. If it's not obvious already, I have not been on many dates. So I seek your wisdom and guidance through this dilemma.


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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Best Picture Goes To?

Over the past four years the Oscars have lost the legitimacy as THE authority of reconginzing the best performances in cinema. It started back in 2000 when they named Gladiator at Best Picture. Gladiator? Best Picture? Really? They topped that pick in 2002 when they named Chicago as the Best Picture. Chicago? Best Movie of the Year? Give me a break. Traffic or Crouching Tiger were so much better than Galdiator. And how could you choose Chicago over The Pianist? The Oscars have become merely an upscale version of the MTV movie awards. Sadly the pattern will continue this year because the best movie of the year will not even get nominated. what is the best movie? Easy....The Village. The problem is that they promoted the movie as a new scary thriller, but when it is actually the best love story I have ever seen. The Village is a deep movie about choosing whether to live in fear or to live in love. If you haven't seen The Village, please rent it sometime soon.